Monday, 3 December 2018

Why Study MBBS?

MBBS is one of those fields that it's never too late to start studying. Whether you are study MBBS are simply planning to do so, you must have asked yourself what are the real reasons to enrol in this field, which is, according to many, the most responsible.

A Great Need for Doctors

The world needs more doctors. The situation in Europe is really good compared to other continents like Asia or Africa. There are also differences in the quantity and need of doctors in different European countries. Many European countries that have banned or restricted the employment of other citizens do not apply this decision to doctors. In most cases, MBBS students get a job sometimes even the same day they graduate.

Safe Job, Career, and Lifestyle

Another reason not very irrelevant to study MBBS in China is certain stability upon graduation. This reason is becoming even more prominent in countries that still face a recession and in a situation where it is increasingly difficult for young people to find a job. In case this is your decisive reason to study medicine, keep in mind that this is not an easy or simple job, but a job with many sacrifices and personal investment. However, a job is waiting for you.

Constant Ameliorating

The end of medical studies does not mean the end of learning. On the contrary - medical universities in China provides you with basic elements for greater knowledge and skills development. Seminars are often organized in exotic locations to attract as many doctors as possible. Many students see this reason as the significant difference compared to other studies and for this, they point to medicine as a unique example of constant professional improvement.

White Coat

This reason may seem funny, may not even seem a reason to do MBBS in China, but as something irrelevant. However, some students expect to put on their white coats during class practice. A white coat, in addition to being a piece of clothing and a part of the doctor's uniform, is also a representative of the order of the medical system, cleanliness of work and high standards of hygiene. A clean and tidy coat is emitting a clear attitude of the doctor towards the patient. Precisely these reasons make the white coat one of the reasons to start studying medicine.

Science Universal to the Whole World

And the last, but not the slightest reason, is a great uniformity of medical science. By graduating from a medical school in Europe, you can find a job and work in any hospital in South America or anywhere else in the world (unlike some humanistic sciences). In addition, most of the medical literature is in English, most medical terms are in Latin. You will become familiar with English and Latin in the course of your studies, so words such as vertebrae or clavicle will not be new to you or to a doctor on the other side of the world.

In naming these 5 main reasons, I tried to cover most of the points that study MBBS in China for Indian students mentioned as their motivation to study medicine and what are the main causes to choose precisely this vocation. Nor should we forget that losing free time is essential for the successful end of this university. As there are these ten reasons, there are also reasons against, but the final decision is for you to take it. Sometimes, all you need is just a reason to make the right decision.


  1. Thanks For sharing such a nice information. Keep it up. Also Share post on mbbs in ukraine.

  2. This was really a great article. Thanks for sharing such an amazing article. Also share some more good posts on medical colleges in China. Keep it up. All the best for your career and continue to write such knowledgeable articles

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